EPLAN Education
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensible responses to frequently asked questions

Please also note the information in the installation and registration instructions. If you have any other questions, please send an email to education@eplan.de.

For students

1. Receiving EPLAN Education student licences

I am a student/attend college or university and would really like to use EPLAN Education. What do I have to do for this?
What is included in the EPLAN Education for Students software?
Who is allowed to receive the student version of EPLAN Education?
We would like to use EPLAN Education in classes/for training. Are we allowed to do this?
May EPLAN Education for Students licences also be installed on a company computer or school computer?

2. Technical questions about installation and registration 

How does registration work? What do I have to do?
I registered but have not yet received the activation code. Why is that?
The window with the registration form isn’t being displayed. What should I do?
I have received the email with my licence data. How do I proceed?
During registration, a message appears that says I have already registered, but that is not the case. What can I do here?
I do not have a number on my student ID card. What should I enter on the registration form?
My EPLAN Education licence has expired, but I still need it for my education/training. How can I extend my licence?
The link in the email to create my EPLAN ID is not working any longer. What should I do?
I would like to install the most recent version of the software. How do I do that?
I have a new computer/re-installed my operating system and my EPLAN Education student licence is no longer working now. How can I transfer the licence to my new computer/the new OS?

3. Other

Can projects created with EPLAN Education be opened using EPLAN Professional?
Can I use my EPLAN Education for Students licence at home to continue to work on tasks/projects from school?
Can users of EPLAN Education access the EPLAN Data Portal?
How and where can I get help with problems?
Can students/trainees access EPLAN Support?
Where do I find study materials?
Do you offer certifications for students/trainees?

For teachers

1. Use and purchase of EPLAN Education

I would like to use EPLAN software for teaching and training purposes. To what extent is this possible?
I am interested in using EPLAN Education. What do I need to do?
Can EPLAN Education student licences also be installed on a company or school computer?
Can I download and use a student licence as a teacher?
Are there training courses for teachers or lecturers?
Where can I find teaching materials?
Who can help me with the installation?
Who can I contact if I have problems with the software?

2. Technical questions 

Can projects created with EPLAN Education be opened with EPLAN Professional (e.g. EPLAN Electric P8)?
How can EPLAN Education users access the EPLAN Data Portal?
My installation is missing the master data (templates, symbols...)
The error message "Class not registered" appears at startup
Do my pupils or students have to use the same version of the EPLAN Education software as in the classroom?

3. Pupils and students

Can my pupils or students continue to work on their projects at home?
Is EPLAN Education for Classrooms compatible with EPLAN Education for Students?
My pupils or students are having problems registering. How can I help them?
Is it possible to offer my students or pupils EPLAN certification?