Informatie tehnica, comunicate de presa, studii si white paper – toate noutatile dintr-o privire.


De la inovatii de produs la stiri despre management si subiecte legate de strategie: Cu comunicatele noastre curente de presa puteti gasi toate informatiile de baza importante despre compania si solutiile noastre.

Hannover Messe 2025
The future of industry is AI-driven: EPLAN & Rittal to highlight AI-driven industrial automation at Hannover Messe

Growing the business in the face of international competition is a constant challenge for industrial companies, above…

Implementing the Energy Transition and Industrialising Now

EPLAN and Rittal will be presenting solutions for the efficient implementation of the energy transition at the eWorld.…

Faster Access to Device Data

EPLAN eSTOCK gives companies access to centralised device management in the EPLAN Cloud, simplifying collaboration and…

eLearning EPLAN Pro Panel
eLearning Courses Bring Quick Success

Discover new functions, get tips for engineering, simply work more efficiently: with EPLAN’s eLearning courses, the…

Single-pole representation as required for the energy sector – including the digital twin in 3D
At the SPS: A Real Medium-Voltage Industrial Project

The power sector has distinct needs and requirements as compared to the automation industry. Different standards and…

Streamlining the value chain

The industry is still feeling the pressure to change. Streamlining processes to improve efficiency and productivity will…

EF|A 2023 – EPLAN Forum for Automated Engineering
Recommendation for Automation: “Think big, start small.”

Modularisation, standardisation and automation – these topics will dominate again at this year’s EF|A – EPLAN Forum for…

Mit Effizienz zu einer schnelleren Energiewende
With efficiency for a faster energy transition

Speeding up the energy transition is an absolute necessity and, thus an incentive for the accelerated transformation of…



Interviuri, tutoriale despre produsele si solutiile noastre, evenimente si descrieri ale angajatilor: Pe canalul nostru de Youtube veti gasi toate subiectele curente in format video.



Interviuri, tutoriale despre produsele si solutiile noastre, evenimente si descrieri ale angajatilor: Pe canalul nostru de Youtube veti gasi toate subiectele curente in format video.


Engineering 4.0

Cercetatorii de la E4TC in Aachen au introdus un model de flux de lucru in inginerie (printre alte lucruri) si au pregatit o matrice de evaluare cu cinci nivele de eficienta. 

Dulap de comanda in Engineering 4.0

Merita sa introduci automatizarea proceselor de fabricatie si inginerie in constructia de tablouri? Bineinteles – si este valabil atat pentru corporatii mari cat si pentru companii mici.

White Paper

White Paper “Electrificat – Digital Twin"

White paper-ul arata in ce consta un digital twin si care discipline si domenii pot lucra cu el, cu accent in mod special pe domeniul ingineresc al proiectarii si documentarii cablurilor si cablajelor in 3D.

White Paper "Proiecteaza instalatii complexe"

White paper-ul prezinta domenii de activitate relevante pentru implementarea unei modularizari si conceptul de reutilizare precum si pentru realizarea proceselor de inginerie automatizate.

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